Good potency in men and the basic rules for maintaining it

a man in bed with good strength

Potential in a man includes such important characteristics as: the degree of tension of the penis, the rate at which erections appear, the course of intercourse and its duration.

It is known that the ability to leave offspring and become the father of the family at all times was considered one of the most important opportunities given to man by nature.

Weak energy can be a result not only of psychological disorders, but also of various diseases.

Concept of Norm. Sexual Potential of a Man

It should be noted that sexology does not quantify the quantitative characteristics of the components of "male" potency. Say the "exact" range of intercourse duration, the "normal" range of penis size, and a certain number of copulatory frictionsImpossible. It is noted that the average duration of one intercourse is 2. 5 minutes, and the total number of friction during coitus is equal to 50-60. However, these are not indicators of the norm, as intercourse in some men lasts 30-40 minutes, reaching 300 or more friction.

Good strength is characterized by the following criteria:

  • Strong sex drive and desire.
  • Strong and full erections that promote ejaculation and orgasm.

How to restore and maintain masculine strength?

To prevent the development of erectile dysfunction, you should:

  • Adopt a healthy lifestyle, eat properly and regularly, play sports, take care of your health.
  • Do not smoke, do not abuse alcohol and do not use drugs.
  • Do not use drugs that can cause erectile dysfunction, or only use them strictly according to the doctor's prescription and coordinate the appointment with the instructions for their use.
  • Have a regular sex life, without prolonged abstinence and sexual excesses.
  • If you are injured in the pelvic area, perineum, if you are going to have surgery on the small pelvis, if you have diabetes or high blood pressure, be sure to consult a urologist.

Potency is the body's ability to have an orgasm. In sexology, the term potency usually refers to male sexuality. Thus, potency determines a man's sexual abilities and, to a lesser extent, the tension of the penis, of the appearance of an erection. Speed characterizes the duration of intercourse and its normal course, and in a broad sense - the very ability to lead a normal sex life. A man's potential cannot be identified by the rhythm of the sexual activity he performs, becauseA man's sexual ability may not be related to the frequency of his sexual acts. Moreover, in no case should it be judged by the intensity of his sexual desire, which in some forms of erectile dysfunction not only weakens, Rather, on the contrary, may increase.

In relation to women, the concept of "power" is almost never used and there is no clear formulation of its definition.

A healthy man has the ability to have full sexual intercourse until death, and unlike a woman, men have purely pathological causes of menopause.

Persistent inability to have complete intercourse can be a sign of one of the forms of impotence.

Erectile dysfunction, or impotence, is a disorder of sexual function that results when a man cannot maintain an erection for a sufficient amount of time, along with an increase in the volume of the penis, its hardening and erectile dysfunction. Sufficient duration of sexual intercourse. This is one of the sexual problems seen in men.

medical symptoms

Erectile dysfunction is the inability of a man to complete frequent intercourse to the fullest. The absence of any component determines the impossibility of complete intercourse and gradually leads to the violation of the remaining components. Most often it is erectile dysfunction orCaused by ejaculation.

Usually, disorders of sexual function are not independent diseases, but present and develop as a concomitant. So, erectile dysfunction can occur with endocrine disorders, such as diabetes and hypogonadism, or be associated with various urological diseasesMay, lesions located in the cerebral cortex of the centers of regulation of sexual functions. Erectile dysfunction caused by these causes is classified as organic.

In many cases, erectile dysfunction is associated with neuropsychiatric disorders. This is the so-called psychogenic erectile dysfunction.

There are psychological, organic and mixed erectile dysfunction. If earlier various psychological problems were considered the main cause of its occurrence, now this opinion has changed. It has been shown that in 80% of cases erectile dysfunction has an organic nature and various somaticOccurs as a complication of diseases.

Symptoms of psychogenic erectile dysfunction are:

  • Sudden onset of disease.
  • Having relationship problems.
  • Presence of nocturnal spontaneous erections.
  • Construction problems are sporadic.
  • Restoring a normal erection after the external problem has been removed.

If erectile dysfunction is due to organic causes, it is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • gradual onset of disease
  • lack of spontaneous nocturnal erections
  • normal libido and ejaculation
  • systematic erectile dysfunction

For most people, sex is a very delicate topic, so men with erectile dysfunction tend to explain the problem by external factors, often trying to hide it altogether. Despite the fact that in 95% of cases, erectile dysfunctioncan be treated with medication, only 10% of men who have difficulty with potency seek treatment from a doctor.

A sexual partner can help a man overcome a psychological barrier, but only a doctor can determine effective methods of treatment.

erectile dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is usually diagnosed when a man is unable to maintain an erection in more than 25% of the intercourse he has had. According to research, there are more than 150 million people over the age of 40 worldwide. Men suffer from this disorder.

clinical diagnosis

To determine the causes of erectile dysfunction, it is necessary to make a diagnosis to exclude or confirm such serious diseases as diabetes mellitus, hypogonadism, prolactinoma.

Treatment options for erectile dysfunction depend on the cause. All methods of treating impotence are divided into conservative and operational.

Conservative methods of treatment of impotence include drug therapy or the use of vacuum design devices.

Surgical treatment of impotence has been used less and less recently due to the high efficiency of drug therapy. Surgical methods are used in extreme cases when conservative treatment does not give the desired result and for some indications.

In any case, if problems with potency arise, it is necessary to seek qualified medical help without prejudice and hesitation, because often more serious pathological conditions are the basis of sexual dysfunction.